About Us


Our mission is to become a construction company highly committed with our clients’ satisfaction, faithfully fulfilling their requirements, applicable laws and regulations, national and international standards of quality, environment, security and health; using high technology equipment and well-trained workers, optimizing the investors’ profit and supporting the development of our collaborators and their work environments, and also the country’s economic growth.


Our vision is to be a company which offers high-level electrical, civil, mechanical and industrial construction services; and produces work and development opportunities, also recognized by our capacity, quality, security and works compliance, based on moral integrity, loyalty and respect to the people and environment.

Contact Us

+ (593) 4-2882-044

Pileggi Construcciones C. Ltda.
Av. Del Rotarismo (antes Av. Las Lomas) #401 y Calle 4ta. esquina (Urdesa Central)
Phone: (593) 4-2882-044
Fax: (593) 4-2380-497
Email: info@pileggiconstrucciones.net